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"Third world" slur official wins new entry permit

The FWC has accepted the rehabilitation of a CFMMEU organiser penalised for a perceived racial slur, issuing him with an entry permit three years after he surrendered his previous one.

Doubts over fine payment not enough to deny permit: FWC

The FWC has rejected the FWO's forceful arguments against renewing a union organiser's entry permit after weighing his history of transgressions, doubts over whether he paid a court-ordered personal fine and evidence that training had better equipped him to avoid potential future breaches.

Entry rights ruling "deeply concerning", says IR academic

A leading IR academic says a Federal Court ruling that takes a restrictive view of union rights to enter workplaces for discussions is "deeply concerning" and demonstrates a need for Parliament to consider new amendments and provide better guidance on interpretation.

Union seeking to reverse crucial entry rights ruling

The ETU has confirmed that it will challenge a Federal Court ruling that "neuters" unions' rights to enter workplaces to organise workers through a restrictive interpretation of provisions allowing access for "discussions" with employees.

Court curbs union entry rights

Union officials can't use their right to enter premises for discussions with members to gather signatures on petitions or "secure a commitment to a particular course of action in the future", the Federal Court has found, ruling in favour of an employer that blocked access for an organiser who sought workers' backing for a majority support determination.

Entry permit granted after weighing historic domestic assault

The FWC has granted an entry permit to a TWU organiser after accepting evidence of his having "turned his life around" since his conviction for assault, stalking and breaching AVOs during a "difficult" marriage breakdown.

New hurdle for CFMMEU entry permit renewals

The FWC has renewed entry permits for three CFMMEU officials, but has made them conditional on them not exercising specific entry powers designed to protect textile, clothing and footwear workers, unless they complete further training.

Mobile ban hindered union official: Court

A court has found that a union official needed to bring his phone onto a worksite to protect the rights of employees he represented, ruling that a meat processing company unlawfully hindered him by refusing entry unless he surrendered it.

Corrective training fails to save organiser's permit

A CFMMEU organiser who engaged in threatening and coercive conduct, including stopping a concrete pour, has failed to convince the FWC to renew his entry permit, despite presenting evidence that he had recently completed training on the error of his ways.