Appeals page 58 of 79

783 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Appeals

Employer group appealing bargaining notice ruling

The AiG is challenging the FWC's rejection of an enterprise agreement because it didn't comply with strict 14-day bargaining notice requirements, arguing that the ruling imposes unworkable and costly restrictions.

Bench derails RTBU bid to extend coverage to mining

An FWC full bench has confirmed that the Rail Tram and Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

Trainee wins adverse action appeal on one count, but loses on others

The Federal Court has cast doubt on whether there is a basis for ordering a company to pay penalties or compensation for adverse action against a worker, because it never acted on a recommendation to dismiss him for making a harassment claim that allegedly had shaky foundations.

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; & more

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; Creative crane driver fails to win job back; FWC member showed no real or apparent bias, says bench; and Tribunal douses smoker's bid to win job back.

Bench rules agreement should cover union bargaining agent

An employer's bid to lock the CFMEU out of its agreement's coverage due to an "oversight" has led to a full bench overturning previous authorities that would have generated an "irrational" result.