Appeals page 29 of 79

785 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Appeals

"Mischief" in bias concern around dope-smoking prison officer

A tribunal has upheld the dismissal of a marijuana-smoking prison officer, while noting the potential for "mischief" in the suggestion that her proclivity could produce an unconscious bias in assessing inmates.

Senior member fumbled Hungry Jack's deal: Bench

An FWC full bench has finally approved Hungry Jack's' 2019 national agreement a year after it won overwhelming support, delivering a withering assessment of a tribunal member's handling of a matter that "went badly astray".

FWC bench "asked wrong question" about deal variation: Full court

A full Federal Court has quashed an FWC full bench agreement variation ruling that endorsed a senior member's belief that he could not consider evidence about the intended meaning of a clause because he did not interpret it as ambiguous.

Tribunal member chipped for tardy penalty ruling

A full Federal Court has reproached a State employment tribunal member for his tardiness in determining appropriate penalties for an underpaying employer, suggesting that had no fine been imposed it might have been spared considering an unremarkable appeal involving "modest" sums.

Union loses $1m money chase over liquidated One Key

The CFMMEU has lost its challenge to Federal Court orders requiring liquidators of a labour hire company to distribute $1m that was held in a trust fund for members of the union.

"Unsteady" paramedic wins second chance to get job back

A paramedic sacked for allegedly self-medicating with a pain relief drug while on duty will get another chance to push for reinstatement, with Queensland's Industrial Court upholding his challenge to a decision dismissing his application.

Bench queries advice in "hopeless" case

An FWC full bench has taken aim at the legal advice given to a group of Coles distribution centre workers who over the course of four years and four adverse findings continued to pursue what ultimately became a "hopeless" case related to their work duties.