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Mining vax mandate; Rioters facing expulsion; & more

Vaccination mandate for WA resources sector; CFMMEU preparing to expel rioting members; FWO claws back underpayments for hotel quarantine security guards; High Court to consider jurisdictional question.

Public purse should cover delayed commissions: AAT

The AAT has found a real estate agent eligible for FEG payments reflecting the balance of sales commissions even though they became payable on the post-administration settlement of properties, quashing an Attorney-General's Department decision to the contrary.

CFMMEU mining division seeks to overturn demerger ruling

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division last night lodged an appeal in the Federal Court against last week's FWC decision that rejected its application to withdraw from the amalgamated union.

Harassment case transcript not "doctored": Court

A courier driver has failed to overturn orders to pay a Sanity store manager $45,000 compensation and damages for s-xual harassment after a court rejected his claims that a tribunal's transcript of proceedings had been "doctored".

Tribunal member not empowered to grant representation: Court

Queensland's Industrial Court has reversed a single member decision letting external lawyers represent the State Government at a QIRC directions hearing on a Together Queensland award variation bid, finding only a full bench had the power to do so.

Pandemic savings drove outsourcing move: Qantas

Qantas, in its challenge to a crucial recent Federal Court adverse action ruling, says its sole motivation for outsourcing the jobs of about 1700 ground crew was its lawful commercial reason of saving $100 million a year during a global pandemic.

Ex-ground crew deserve answers ahead of Qantas appeal: Judge

A Federal Court judge will press ahead with hearing TWU arguments for reinstatement and compensation for almost 1700 former Qantas ground crew workers, despite the airline yesterday lodging an appeal against his decision that outsourcing their jobs was unlawful.

FWC to re-hear case of lawyer sacked for "insubordination"

A criminal lawyer has succeeded in overturning findings that he unfairly sacked a solicitor and practice manager he accused of "insubordination" and "sabotage", a FWC bench ruling that a tribunal member was too dismissive of his explanation for missing a hearing.

FWC bench doubles down on 'decision on papers' question

A four-member FWC bench has left no doubt unfair dismissal matters with contested facts must not be decided on the papers regardless of consent or a lack of objection, a senior member finding a second of his rulings quashed on this basis within a matter of days.