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$1M Employsure penalty a fraction of settlement offer

Employsure has revealed that the ACCC rejected a $3.3 million offer to settle its false advertising prosecution that led to the Federal Court awarding the IR advisor costs of almost $900,000 but then hitting it with a $1 million penalty.

No silver lining for unvaxxed worker

The FWC has declined to extend time for an unvaccinated worker who claimed he lodged his claim late because of the theft of 45 one-kilogram silver bars from his home, while it has upheld a nursing home's sacking of a maintenance manager who failed to comply with a State Government inoculation mandate.

Bench ponders the meaning of "dismissed"

A five-member FWC bench has reserved its decision in a case with far-reaching implications regarding when workers can be said to have been dismissed.

Retrial ordered in REX's "solemn promise" case

A full Federal Court has ordered the retrial of a pilots' union's claims that Regional Express threatened to take adverse action against cadets when asking for a "solemn promise" that they would stay at the airline's Wagga Wagga academy rather than cost the company an extra $100 cost per night by sleeping at a motel.

Deal's "mere possibility" of future coverage not enough: FWC bench

A NSW company's three-year deal covering prospective maintenance work at Victoria's largest power station has been quashed after less than five months, a FWC full bench finding the "mere possibility" that those who voted the agreement up might in future be covered by it did not justify approval.

Former CFMMEU branch president unfit to hold entry permit: Bench

A FWC full bench has upheld as "legally rational and reasonably available" a finding that CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch organiser Walter "Vinnie" Molina is not a fit and proper person to hold an entry permit.

Appeal court backs state vax mandate powers

The NSW Court of Appeal has today thrown out two challenges to inoculation mandates for certain categories of workers under COVID-19 public health orders.

High Court hears prior conduct case as CFMMEU fined $460K

The financial implications of the ABCC's Pattinson High Court case being heard today have been reinforced by the Federal Court's latest ruling against the CFMMEU, a judge acknowledging that while the $460,000 fine factored in the union's long history of contraventions it still needed to be "proportionate" to the breaches involved.