Queensland page 8 of 15

145 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Queensland

Court rules officials must show permits for safety entry

The Federal Court has closed a loophole under which union organisers maintained they could enter sites to discuss safety issues under state OHS laws without showing their federal entry permits.

Court orders $2.7m payout to sacked chief executive

An employer must pay $2.7 million in damages and interest to a former chief executive it sacked for alleged insider trading, after a court found claims that he offloaded company shares to take advantage of sensitive information before it became public "did not make sense".

IR Minister fails to overturn long service ruling

Queensland's IR minister says an anomaly in the State's long service legislation needs to be fixed, after a court rejected her challenge to a ruling that denied payment to a worker dismissed just weeks before he reached the critical 10-year service threshold.

Queensland proposing Christmas Eve public holiday

Queensland's Palaszczuk Government is seeking submissions on a proposed six-hour Christmas Eve public holiday, with employers arguing that it will make the State's businesses less competitive than their interstate and overseas competitors.

Medical director not a danger to public: Tribunal

A tribunal has ordered a health service to reinstate the chair of its credentialing committee dismissed for his role in appointing to an obstetrics job a recovering alcoholic suspected of falling off the wagon at work, rejecting as "absolute codswallop" its claim that the chair now poses a danger to the public.

"Two Longs" case headed to High Court; Hanna appeal; & more

"Two Longs" case headed to High Court; Hanna to appeal document destruction finding; United Voice's "massive" penalty rates campaign; Australia Post compensation claims deliberately slowed: Investigation.

$1.5m payout for political activities discrimination

Former Queensland assistant health minister Dr Chris Davis has won more than $1.4 million in compensation after a tribunal held that a health service's discriminatory decision to deny him a job because of his political activities and beliefs forced him into early retirement.