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On-demand delivery rider was an employee, agrees insurer

In a ruling greeted as the first of its kind to treat a gig economy worker as an employee, the family of a food delivery rider killed when hit by a bus has been awarded more than $800,000 compensation.

NSW set to raise penalties for unlawful strikes

The Perrottet Government in NSW says it is moving to massively increase fines for unlawful industrial action to send a "message" ahead of a teachers' strike, while a commissioner who blocked part of a PSA strike says it refused to meaningfully engage with the union on wages.

NSW raises public sector salary cap

NSW's Perrottet Government has raised its 2.5% wage ceiling to 3% next financial year and up to 3.5% in 2023-24, in the face of incomes falling behind consumer price inflation and unions taking industrial action seeking to scrap the cap.

Teachers and employers apart on more than pay: IEU

The IEU in announcing a strike in NSW and ACT Catholic schools next Friday has rejected claims it has already agreed on everything but a pay rise of up to 15%, saying the "malaise has set in" for teachers struggling with high workloads and staff shortages.

Greens lament Labor backdown on nurse to patient ratios

NSW Greens have expressed disappointment that Labor MPs have refused to recommend nurse to patient ratios in a Parliamentary regional health inquiry despite previously pursuing it as an election policy, while the NSWNMA says its job is to convince the ALP it is achievable.

Tribunal rejects prison officer's "s-xual horseplay" defence

The NSW IRC has upheld the sacking of a prison officer who assaulted a colleague outside work, observing that the victim's evidence should not be "impugned" just because she remained in an abusive relationship.

NSW teachers defy umpire's order with anti-cap strike plan

NSW public school teachers will strike next Wednesday over "unmanageable" workloads and a "contemptuous" 2.04% salary cap proposed in the face of teacher shortages, with their union also warning that visits by State Government MPs will prompt walkouts.

Government chases fines for striking nurses

The Perrottet Government's legal action over strikes by NSW public health nurses seeks to impose fines on their union, while also offering a pathway to pursue deregistration.