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297 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > NSW

State and federal wage theft laws operate in parallel, High Court told

State Labor governments intervening in a High Court constitutional challenge to Victoria's wage theft laws are arguing there is no inconsistency with the Fair Work Act that could void a criminal prosecution, in a case coinciding with the Albanese Government's plan to introduce federal sanctions of up to 10 years in prison and maximum fines of $8 million.

"Breakthrough" deal for NSW public school teachers

The NSW Teachers Federation says a "breakthrough" in-principle deal will make the State's beginning and top-scale teachers the nation's best paid, after they stared down a Minns Government proposal to lock-in three annual 2.5% pay rises off the back of a first-year lift of up to 12%.

Court to weigh lawyer's "50km radius" restraint clause

A court has refused to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining a lawyer from working in a large regional area while his former firm seeks to enforce a contractual two-year ban, instead accepting an undertaking after observing the legal practice did not have a strong case.

Vax mandate caused psychological injury: Tribunal

An employer held to have caused a psychological injury by imposing a COVID-19 vaccination requirement on a driver must pay more than $80,000 in compensation, plus medical costs, after its unreasonable ultimatum rendered him unable to work.