NSW page 15 of 30

298 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > NSW

NSW IRC to convene public sector freeze talks tomorrow

The NSW Government has taken off the table its offer of a $1000 "bonus" and job guarantee in lieu of a pay rise for frontline public servants, as it pursues the freeze in the NSW IRC, following a disallowance motion in the Upper House.

COVID-19 wage freeze for NSW public sector

The NSW Government has imposed a 12-month wage freeze on its 408,000-strong public sector workforce, but has provided a job security guarantee for the same period.

"Mischief" in bias concern around dope-smoking prison officer

A tribunal has upheld the dismissal of a marijuana-smoking prison officer, while noting the potential for "mischief" in the suggestion that her proclivity could produce an unconscious bias in assessing inmates.

Bus driver's sacking over mobile calls "disproportionate": Tribunal

In what a union has hailed as a victory for a commonsense approach to mobile phone use, a tribunal has reinstated a bus driver sacked for making two calls while parked with the doors open and the vehicle's dual braking system engaged.

Opposition unimpressed by NSW IRC appointment

The NSW Opposition has refused to welcome the promotion of Nichola Constant to the chief commissioner's role at the State IRC, saying the Berejiklian Government has missed a chance to appoint an outstanding candidate with strong IR credentials.

Depressed worker needed clearer guidance: Tribunal

An EPA worker believed to have contracted Legionnaires' disease by walking past Sydney Town Hall during an outbreak has won reinstatement after establishing that it caused him to suffer major depression that contributed to his poor work performance.

Police commander targeted homos-xual officers: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that a commander discriminated against officers he described as a "close knit friendship group of homos-xual like-minded" police in a complaint of possible drug use, while clearing the NSW Police Force of any discrimination in its handling of the allegations.

Tribunal reduces length of demotion

The NSW IRC has considered the dividing line between misconduct and performance issues in cutting short the demotion of an assistant principal accused of hugging and professing her love for students, giving gifts and laughing when one of them threw paint over a colleague.