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297 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > NSW

NSW pushes for national paid DV leave entitlement

NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman has urged the Morrison Government to follow the State public sector's lead and introduce 10 days' paid domestic and family violence leave for all workers.

Most flexibility requests granted, but room to improve: Report

The NSW public sector granted more than 87% of women's requests for flexible work ahead of COVID-19, according to a large PSA member survey that says the pandemic has proved there is still room for improvement in the Berejiklian Government's "if not why not" policy.

New public sector pay rise cap "economic idiocy": Unions

NSW unions have vowed to fight a plan by the Berejiklian Government to cap annual public sector pay rises at 1.5% for the next three years, replacing a previous wage policy allowing increases of up to 2.5%.

Panel confirms suggestive poster discriminatory

In a decision upholding a finding that Sydney Water and a consultancy discriminated against a worker by displaying her photo on a poster titled "Feel great - lubricate!", a tribunal has confirmed even inadvertent double entendres can constitute s-xual harassment.

Sacking costs listed company $1.1m despite unsigned contract

An ASX-listed investment house that summarily dismissed an executive director without explanation must pay $1.1 million in damages, after the absence of a signed contract left a court to assess her implied bonus and notice terms.

Manager booted after complaints: Tribunal

The failure of a council's retired acting chief executive to give evidence about his reasons for sacking a pool duty manager who kept refusing to follow instructions has led to a finding it dismissed him because of his safety complaints.

NSW tribunal seeking new member

NSW's Berejiklian Government is seeking expressions of interest for a new member to fill a vacancy left by Nichola Constant's promotion to State IRC Chief Commissioner this year.

Nurse with hearing loss disadvantaged by rigid shift rules

NSW Health must compensate a registered nurse for lost shift penalties and refrain from rostering her on morning and night shifts after a tribunal found it indirectly discriminated against her on the basis of her hearing impairment.

NSW IRC to convene public sector freeze talks tomorrow

The NSW Government has taken off the table its offer of a $1000 "bonus" and job guarantee in lieu of a pay rise for frontline public servants, as it pursues the freeze in the NSW IRC, following a disallowance motion in the Upper House.