Federal page 585 of 613

6129 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Federal

Dismissal by "mutual agreement" still a dismissal: Court

A court has found that a worker who was asked to look for alternative employment due to his heart condition was dismissed, rejecting his employer's argument that his job ended by "mutual agreement".

BHP Coal wins costs but few friends

The Fair Work Commission has suggested BHP Coal was "kicking a man when he is down" and acting without a "sense of Christian charity" in seeking legal costs from a former employee who unsuccessfully claimed unfair dismissal.

Biggest department readying for vote on below-inflation offer

Department of Human Services employees look set to be the first to vote on an offer made under the Coalition's restrictive new public sector bargaining policy, with the CPSU warning the below-inflation pay and reduced conditions on the table are "early-warning signs" of what is ahead.

Grocon contempt case no reason to delay FWBC coercion charge: Court

The Federal Court has refused to delay the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate's unlawful coercion case against the CFMEU over the 2012 Grocon blockade, finding that the company's contempt charges against the union in the Victorian Supreme Court are not criminal proceedings.

Federal Court rejects Australia Post's p--n ruling challenge

Two Australia Post employees sacked for circulating p--nography in the workplace will keep their jobs after a full Federal Court ruled this morning that a FWC full bench made no errors in its decision to grant them leave to appeal a decision that upheld their dismissals.

Court orders sacked CFO to return company documents

The Federal Court has ordered a chief financial officer to hand back business records he intended to use in a general protections claim against his former employer, finding a "strong prima case" that by hanging onto them he had breached his contract of employment and corporations law.