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Swastika use protected political opinion, argues sacked academic

A University of Sydney lecturer sacked after superimposing a swastika on an Israeli flag in teaching materials and social media posts is relying on political opinion protections in the Fair Work Act and academic freedom clauses, claiming he was really dismissed for challenging his treatment.

"Come talk like a real man", employer urges FWC applicant

The FWC has rejected an employer's claim it did not summarily dismiss an apprentice by text, describing a later email in which the teenager was told "we are holding your position open" as a "retroactive" attempt to characterise the worker as having quit.

Uni's HR director over-reacted in suspending me: Law School head

The head of La Trobe University's Law School has accused the institution's HR executive director of acting beyond her remit and taking disproportionate disciplinary action in breach of its agreement by suspending him following complaints by an IR academic and a law lecturer.

BHP cleared to make "lifestyle" roster changes

The FWC has affirmed BHP's right to introduce roster changes recognising "lifestyle arrangements" and made a call on what constitutes "significant" support for them, after the CFMMEU failed to establish that an agreement clause only allows for bottom-up instigation.

Patchy process did not deny sacked welder a fair go

An employer who failed to record a worker's serial misconduct, provide a written warning or give him an opportunity to respond nevertheless did not deny him a fair go when forcing him to resign following a brief lunch room meeting, the FWC has found.

Sacked worker not told her domestic violence history "relevant"

The FWC has reproached a childcare provider for failing to inform a worker that her past experience in a violent relationship was a "relevant" factor in its decision to dismiss her after she challenged a co-worker to a fight.

Leading IR academic accuses law school head of bullying

An IR academic and a law lecturer who accused the head of La Trobe University's Law School of bullying have failed to convince the Federal Court to suppress their names in his legal challenge to an investigation into their complaints, the judge finding their identities had already been revealed by an industry publication.

Lawyer's workload, pre-dawn starts no excuse for late filing: FWC

The FWC has rebuked a lawyer for his "dilatory" approach to filing a general protections claim, ultimately granting his client a time extension because of the unusual degree of stress and anxiety he suffered as a consequence of his dismissal.