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6129 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Federal

Employers should not "falsely amplify" safety issues: Tribunal

An FWC member has cautioned employers not to "falsely amplify" safety hazards, ordering the reinstatement of a BluesScope worker accused of almost tipping a large steel coil in circumstances where there was "zero" likelihood of anyone being injured.

Win for unions as full court backs retrospective reversal

In crucial ruling that "ameliorates" the effect of the High Court's Esso ruling, a union that faced having its proposed industrial action rendered unprotected when it didn't fully comply with a court order has won a full Federal Court finding that it can be retrospectively revoked.

Workers subsidising NDIS: Report

A major union-commissioned study has found the NDIS workforce is "carrying the costs andĀ risks" of disability service provision, performing high levels of unpaid work and unable to recoup significant out of pocket expenses

Workers on new retail deals exposed to virus freeze

Large numbers of retail employees covered by agreements approved in the second half of last year face wage freezes if employers succeed in their campaign for a coronavirus-driven pause in minimum pay rises such as that adopted during the GFC, new Attorney-General's Department data on bargained wage rises reveals.

Court rejects ER manager's bid to represent employer

A judge has shot down an ER manager's bid to represent her employer in an adverse action case in which she is accused of criminal behaviour, observing that her own interests might "colour" her ability to effectively perform the role.

No sick leave obligation after COVID-19 stand downs: Court

Unions are calling on Qantas to permit sick workers to continue accessing paid personal leave entitlements while stood down due to the coronavirus, despite the Federal Court ruling today that it is not obliged to do so.

Payroll officers slugged in FWO's biggest penalty case

Three payroll officers who "reverse-engineered" false records during an FWO investigation have been fined a total of $121,000 as part of the largest penalty order won by the workplace watchdog.

$150M class action doesn't check out: Coles

Coles says a class action seeking to recoup more than $150 million allegedly owed to salaried managers is without merit, given it is already on track to finalise its review and start re-paying affected employees.

"Chasm" between deals an existential threat: Employer

Citing a failure of the IR system and an uneven playing field created by old deals continuing to operate, a security company has on the basis of exceptional circumstances sought approval for an agreement acknowledged as failing the better off overall test.

"Outraged" whistle blowers take their case to FWC

National Rugby League referees have for the second time in two years found themselves before the FWC as they contest a decision to cut from two to one the number officiating games from the competition's planned re-start on May 28.