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Super offer discriminatory, but lawful

Queensland's Anti-Discrimination Tribunal has dismissed a claim by two Powerlink Queensland employees that a superannuation offer discriminated against them on the basis of their age.

Security guard wins $91,000 in unfair contract case

A low-paid security guard who was engaged as an independent contractor has used the NSW IRC's s106 unfair contracts jurisdiction - often derided as a playground for high flyers - to win more than $90,000, plus costs, to compensate her for being denied award rates of pay.

Inquiry recommends auditing of pay equity

WA's gender pay equity inquiry has recommended employers conduct pay equity audits and that the State Government establish a pay equity unit to help close the State's 22.6% gender pay gap.

AIRC certifies Suncorp Metway's non-union agreement

Suncorp Metway's pleas for the Senate to amend the Howard Government's Electrolux bill have turned out to be unnecessary, after the AIRC today certified its non-union enterprise agreement.

AIRC to certify first National Rugby League deal

An AIRC full bench said this week that it would certify the first agreement for National Rugby League clubs and players, once several clauses are redrafted to ensure they pertain to the employment relationship and the deal is put to a new ballot.

$10,000 payout after male-on-male harassment

A male employee who had his bottom and genitals grabbed by one of his employer's male directors has won $10,000 in damages, after a tribunal accepted he had been sexually harassed.

Virgin supplier makes new deal to accommodate growth

Virgin Blue's fast-growing outsourced baggage and check-in provider at some ports, Aero-Care, has struck a new non-union agreement to provide additional classifications for supervisors.

VCAT grants EO exemption for cultural and welfare reasons

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has granted the YMCA (Carlton Parkville Youth Services) an exemption from provisions of the Equal Opportunity Act that normally require that all jobs be open to applicants of both sexes.