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Unfair dismissal claimant ordered to pay massive costs bill

The Queensland IRC has ordered an employee sacked for alleged misappropriation to pay $110,000 in costs, including indemnity costs, after finding she forced her former employer to incur "a huge amount" of costs but never intended to proceed with her unfair dismissal trial.

ABS data suggests labour shortages flowing into wages growth

Labour shortages might be starting to drive up wages, with today's ABS data showing a trend quarterly increase in pay rates excluding bonuses of 1.1% for the March quarter and 3.9% annually - the highest year-on-year growth since the Bureau first released the statistics in 1998.

ACCC pursues employer over misleading claims on commission, direct employment

Employers will have to be wary when advertising commission-only jobs, after Wizard Home Loans yesterday conceded it had engaged in misleading conduct in breach of the Trade Practices Act when it made representations to a mobile lending manager that he would earn far more than he ended up taking home.

Sex work comments end in lesbian worker losing job, bias claim

Tasmania's Supreme Court has rejected a sex discrimination claim by a social worker who breached her employer's self-disclosure policy by insisting that she tell all clients upfront that she was a lesbian and a sex worker.