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Employers still ignoring retention: study

Despite the tight labour market, most employers are still only paying lip service to efforts to retain existing employees, and are focussing their expenditure on attracting new staff, according to new research.

News in brief, June 30, 2005

Unfair dismissal cap rises to almost $95,000; AIRC refuses Holden s127 bid after considering employee rights to freedom of expression and association; Stay for eyebrow ring reinstatement; and New book champions independent contracting.

Australian labour cost growth tops the developed world

Private sector unit labour costs in Australia will rise by 5% in 2005, a faster rate of growth than anywhere in the developed world, according to the OECD, while a leading investment bank says the recent four quarters of trend decline in labour productivity is Australia's worst efficiency setback in two decades.

New redundancy standard for SA - or is it?

The SA IRC has endorsed a new consent severance pay deal struck between the State's peak union and employer bodies, but in a curious result, it won't have test case standing.

Employee share bonus scheme discriminatory: Unions

The Federal Court has cleared the way for a discrimination claim to proceed against Hawker de Havilland Aerospace Pty Ltd, with unions alleging the company directed bonus payments from a Boeing group share trust scheme only to non-members.

News in brief, June 23, 2005

ALP to reshuffle frontbench; Government introduces higher education bill; and $10,000 damages payout for victimised HR officer.

Goward pushes for new gender division of labour

The "double shift" borne by women who combine paid work with a disproportionate amount of domestic tasks is likely to become a "triple shift" as they have to also take on elder care, Sex Discrimination Commission Pru Goward warned today as she launched a new discussion paper on better sharing of paid and unpaid work between men and women.