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Rail union halts Pacific National services

Pacific National unions have brought the company's operations almost to a standstill, after starting a 24-hour strike this morning over stalled bargaining negotiations.

Directors liable for breach of trade practices law in employment case

The impact of trade practices law in employment matters continues to expand, with the WA Supreme Court finding three executives of an AFL club were accessories to a breach of the Trade Practices Act when they misled an assistant coach in negotiations for his job.

Employer ordered to pay $1,000 for "bear hug"

An employer has been ordered to pay $1,000 damages to a former colleague over a "bear hug", after the NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal found it constituted sexual harassment under the State's Anti-Discrimination Act.

Market-centered workplace policies not looking after families: Fielding

Family First Senator Steve Fielding has used his first speech to Parliament to throw down the gauntlet to the Howard Government on IR, saying it is time for the Government to start delivering family-friendly rather than market-friendly workplace policies.

APESMA tilts at EDS non-union deal

EDS Australia is facing its first serious union challenge since introducing s170LK agreements in 1999, with APESMA signing up hundreds of members at the US-based IT services giant ahead of a ballot on a new non-union deal later this month.

Help labour hire workers to get bank loans, says report

Regulation has failed to keep pace with the 16% annual growth of labour hire since 1990, according to a parliamentary inquiry that has called for new guidance to curb long hours and ensure breaks and new measures to make it easier for on-hire workers to obtain loans and take holidays.