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Sacking of senior IR academic not discriminatory, says tribunal

The University of Queensland sacked a senior IR academic because of its "brutal" strategy to downgrade teaching of the discipline, rather than because of his trade union activity or political beliefs, a tribunal has found.

David Jones and SDA make first big post-Work Choices retail deal

In one of the first big retail deals the SDA has struck under Work Choices, David Jones will pay its 10,000 employees a 6.1% pay rise over two years, lift severance pay entitlements and allow workers to take up to three sick days a year without certification.

Manufacturing sector looks offshore as pressures mount at home

The Australian manufacturing sector will generate a quarter of its economic activity offshore by 2008, which, when combined with other pressures such as competition from low-cost countries, could lead to job losses totalling 30,000 over the next 12 months alone, according to the AiG.

Andrews eases employer record-keeping requirements

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has, as expected, responded to employer concerns about the onerous new record-keeping requirements imposed by Work Choices, announcing today that no hours records would have to be kept for workers earning more than $55,000 annually and lacking an overtime entitlement, and that daily start and finish times would not have to be recorded for other employees not entitled to overtime.

High Court finds paying casual teachers less wasn't discrimination

A High Court full bench majority has today ruled that 13 female long-term casual NSW school teachers were not subjected to indirect discrimination when they were denied access to a pay scale that allowed permanent teachers to earn up to $10,000 more each year.