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Australia not a workforce participation laggard: New research

New Productivity Commission research shows that Australia's workforce participation rate is the fifth highest in the developed world - much higher than is generally understood - but that matching world's best practice in poor-performing demographics would expand the nation's labour force by more than 600,000.

Labor to consider right to request extra parental benefits

The ALP is planning to restore policies from the AIRC's family provisions test case ruling, including giving parents the right to request an extension of unpaid parental leave to two years and giving new parents' the right to request part time employment on returning to work, at its national conference in April.

AIRC gives broad interpretation of "operational reasons" exemption

In the first full bench ruling on the application of the "genuine operational reasons" exemption for unfair dismissal claims, Village Cinemas has won an AIRC appeal to throw out a claim by a long-serving former manager it made redundant last year.

News in brief, December 20, 2006

OWS pilot youth program to target SA employers in January; Employers focusing on attracting staff: survey; Australia ratifies treaty against worst abuse of children; Misleading reference justifies sacking, says tribunal; Women-only online job website wins discrimination exemption; World Bank commits to ILO core labour standards, say unions; and Migrant workers on 457 visas used as strike-breakers: ALP.

Employees can be personally liable for workplace mistakes: High Court

Two employees have been found personally liable to pay damages to a former client who suffered as a result of their professional advice, in a High Court ruling that challenges previous notions of the sole or vicarious responsibility of employers for workers' actions.

Flawed HR structure renders Telstra unable to meet consultation requirements, says AIRC

In an important private dispute resolution ruling that might provide an alternative channel to challenge unfair dismissals under Work Choices, the AIRC has reinstated three employees made redundant by Telstra. It found that flaws in the structure of the telco's HR management mean it is unable to comply with obligations to consult employees and their union about restructuring plans.

Discriminatory remarks lead to $72,000 Qantas payout

Qantas has been ordered to pay a former licensed aircraft mechanical engineer $71,692 after the Federal Magistrates Court accepted that discriminatory remarks made to him at work contributed to his depressive illness.

Bank's paid parental leave boost welcome, but still short of RBA mark, says FSU

St George has begun offering its 8,500 employees interest-free loans of up to $4,000 to purchase ecologically sustainable infrastructure such as rainwater tanks for their home and boosted its paid parental leave from eight weeks to thirteen weeks, in a policy change announced today.