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Tribunal refuses exemption for male-only childcare training course

A college that sought to address the female domination of childcare industry employment by offering Australia's first male-only training course has been denied a discrimination exemption by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Unfair dismissal limit rises beyond $118,000; and more

Income limit for unfair dismissal rises beyond $118,000 a year; Tiger troubles prompt Qantas engineers to halt strike plans; and Mining industry distorting productivity picture, says Australia Institute.

New senators, minimum wage increases, paid parental leave changes, from Friday

In addition to being when the federal senators elected in last year's poll take their seats - with the Greens to hold the balance of power outright - Friday is the day from which the national minimum wage takes effect and employers take on responsibility for the Federal Government's paid parental leave payments.

Public sector pay-setting changes pass through NSW Upper House

New laws to fetter the NSW IRC's power to set state public sector wages are set to be passed by NSW Parliament, after the O'Farrell Government on the weekend gagged a marathon debate and forced its legislative changes through the Upper House.