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Tribunal clears woman to work with children despite drug conviction

A woman who was convicted of conspiracy to import cocaine and sentenced to more than four years in jail has been cleared to work as a teacher after a tribunal found a government department was wrong to refuse her a working-with-children check.

Retail funds seek to stymie FWC super review

The peak body for retail superannuation funds is seeking an urgent Fair Work Commission hearing in a bid to halt the review of default funds in modern awards.

Workers had good reason to refuse additional overtime: FWC

Australia Post acted harshly in disciplining two employees who had solid OHS reasons for refusing to work additional overtime, but was entitled to transfer their union delegate for his aggressive reaction to the sanctions, the Fair Work Commission has found.

Adverse action penalty potentially five times lower due to employer status

In fining a Catholic priest more than $10,000 for dismissing an aged care nurse in breach of the Fair Work Act's general protections provisions, a court has suggested that different penalties for individuals and corporations might sometimes lead to unfair results.

Modern awards remedied unequal wages: ACCI

ACCI says the new safety net established by modern awards in 2010 cured any gender-based pay inequities, in a submission to the Fair Work Commission full bench that is hearing a bid by three unions to win equal remuneration for child care workers.

ALP members won't need to join a union: Shorten

Federal Opposition leader Bill Shorten has today confirmed that he has asked ALP national secretary George Wright to work with Labor's national executive to remove union membership as a prerequisite for party membership.

Gallacher returns to IR portfolio in NSW

Mike Gallacher, a long-serving former shadow IR minister in NSW, has returned to the portfolio after a reshuffle today by new Premier Mike Baird.

Marijuana smoker wins job back despite zero tolerance policy

Zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policies are back in the spotlight following the FWC's decision to reinstate a ship's master who crashed his ferry into a Sydney Harbour wharf 16 hours after smoking marijuana at home to relieve shoulder pain.