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Ashurst lawyer slams employer's "egregious contempt"

The Federal Circuit Court has added $40,000 and costs to a company's unfair dismissal bill after it failed to pay a sacked worker $49,000 the Fair Work Commission awarded him.

HR manager loses adverse action case

A part-time HR manager's bullying claim against her chief executive backfired when her employer discovered while investigating her complaint that she had been using its resources to do work for other organisations.

Victorian IR Minister briefs HR Nicholls Society on the "rule of law"

Senior Victorian Government Minister Robert Clark has told the HR Nicholls Society that he has drawn on all three of his portfolios to combat bad behaviour in the building industry and has flagged changes to strengthen the guidelines for contractors seeking state government work.

Direction to work extra hours ruled unlawful and unreasonable

A company's requirement for an employee to work additional unpaid hours and make himself available on-call was neither lawful nor reasonable, the Fair Work Commission has ruled in upholding his unfair dismissal claim.

Bullying solution: choose your line managers well

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has told employers they need strong workplace conduct policies and grievance procedures and should select line managers with good interpersonal skills, to help them prevent bullying claims.

Union activity not the reason for failed promotions: tribunal

A long-time power station employee who claimed to have been "oddly unsuccessful" in six promotion applications has failed to convince a tribunal that he was discriminated against because of his union or industrial activity.