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Bench quashes CFMEU entry permit suspensions

A FWC full bench has overturned the suspension of 12 CFMEU officials' entry permits, finding that the original sanctions were not linked to the resolution of an ongoing right of entry dispute but appeared to be punishment for past bad behaviour.

FWC rejects "voluntary overtime" agreement

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has knocked back an enterprise agreement containing a voluntary additional hours provision lodged by a labour hire company with a workforce of casuals on working holiday visas.

Employers to enlist ACCC in 2015: Freehills

A major employer-clientele law firm is predicting that unions will become more aggressive in their pursuit of wage and job security claims this year, and that employers will respond in kind by seeking to unilaterally end bargaining negotiations and turning to regulators like the ACCC.

Employers line up experts for penalty rate assault

Hospitality and retail employers have detailed the substantial cuts they are seeking to penalty rates in the FWC's four-yearly modern award review, and say they will rely on expert evidence from a Deloitte economist to back their case.

Lawyer's bullying case thrown out

A bank's management of an under-performing lawyer fell short of "the best human resources practice" and was not "entirely beyond criticism", but did not constitute bullying under the Fair Work Act, a senior member of the Fair Work Commission has ruled.

Off-duty groper not unfairly sacked

The dismissal of an employee for groping a bartender while staying at a hotel paid for by his employer was not unfair, the Fair Work Commission has ruled.

High Court grants union leave to challenge Boral discovery order

The High Court will in April hear the CFMEU's argument that it should not be compelled to give Boral information to help the company win its contempt case against the union for allegedly defying injunctions at Victoria's Regional Rail project.

"Appalling" dismissal fails small business code

A sales assistant summarily dismissed for alleged theft has been awarded nearly $30,000 after the Fair Work Commission found no justification for her employer's "inexcusable" behaviour in sacking her and reporting her to the police.