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Ban agreement clauses that inhibit use of contractors: Lawyer

A leading silk has told a gathering of major employers that the federal government should adopt the Harper competition review's recommendation to outlaw agreement clauses that limit employers' use of contractors and labour hire employees.

Unions must adapt to digital economy: ACTU

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver has warned that unions have to adapt to the challenges thrown up by the digital economy to avoid a "Kodak moment".

CFMEU's record a factor in $100,000-plus fines

The Federal Court has criticised the CFMEU for its "deplorable" approach to complying with the law, ordering it to pay a penalty of more than $100,000 for a series of breaches on a wind farm construction site and to stop interfering in the project.

Victorian public sector employment costs to rise 7%

The Victorian Government has revealed that its employee expenses will grow by just over 7% this financial year, ahead of bargaining for major replacement agreements with public sector workers over the next year.

Victoria to set up labour hire inquiry

The Victorian Government is completing the terms of reference for an inquiry into labour hire that will start in the second half of the year.

ACTU promotes partnership with employers

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver has used a behind-closed-doors speech to call for employers to work with unions on a "new vision for jobs in Australia" rather than supporting the Abbott Government's IR agenda.

Employer fails to prove "frustration" of employment contract

The Fair Work Commission has given a school religious education coordinator the green light to proceed with his unfair dismissal claim after his employer failed to establish that his employment ceased via the doctrine of frustration.

Greens to refer 4 Corners "slavery" allegations to inquiry

The Greens will refer allegations of exploitation of foreign workers on farms and in food processing plants to a Senate inquiry into the working visa system, according to its IR spokesperson, Adam Bandt.

PC to look at skilled migration intake under fee-based system

The Productivity Commission will look at the effect on skilled immigration numbers of making payment, rather than skills or family reunion, the primary basis for determining entry into the Australia during its wide-ranging immigration review.