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Bass Strait workers set to vote down Esso deal, AWU claims

The AWU expects employees at Esso Australia's Bass Strait oil operations to reject the company's proposed new enterprise agreements, which include shifting from seven-day to 14-day roster cycles for offshore workers.

Dissenting judge issues warning on adverse action

Workers need to be protected from employers that argue they took action against an employee because of the impact of the person exercising a workplace right rather than the actual exercise of the right, a judge has ruled in a dissenting judgment.

AWU seeking to axe deals, as revelations force Melhem's hand

The AWU is seeking to terminate a substandard cleaning agreement exposed in the Heydon Royal Commission, while former Victorian branch secretary Cesar Melhem has stepped down as Labor whip in Victoria's upper house, after the inquiry criticised workplace deals struck during his leadership.

Queensland IR bill passes minutes before midnight

Queensland's Parliament just before midnight last night passed the Palaszczuk Government's IR legislation, which it claims will remove key elements of the "LNP's wrecking ball changes".

"Bullying" was reasonable management action, says FWC

The Fair Work Commission has rejected a long-serving employee's bullying claim, after accepting that her employer took reasonable management action when it performance-managed her after she resisted changes to workplace practices.

Court orders visa-breaching employer to pay $100,000 in restitution

Five weeks after ordering Darwin-based Choong Enterprises to pay the largest-ever court-imposed fine for breaching 457 visa sponsorship obligations, the Federal Court has directed the company to backpay seven of the Filipino workers involved a total of more than $100,000.

Bargaining breakthrough at Aurizon

The major rail freight operator Aurizon has broken a bargaining deadlock with rail unions at its Queensland coal-hauling operations, where negotiations started more than two years ago.