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Bench preserves existing TOIL overtime rate-friendly awards

A FWC full bench has refused an AiG bid to delete provisions for time-off-in-lieu (TOIL) and make-up pay at overtime rates from 10 modern awards, but has proposed a new model TOIL term for all modern awards that don't have one.

Maritime unions challenging offshore visas in High Court

Maritime unions are taking the federal government to the High Court, alleging it is misusing visas reserved for visiting royals and dignitaries to "open the backdoor to cheap foreign labour" in the offshore oil and gas industry.

AMWU officials challenge plan to make them redundant

The AMWU has responded to the continued loss of Australian manufacturing jobs and falling union membership by making 11 officials redundant in Victoria and NSW over recent months.

ACTU calls for licensing of labour suppliers

The ACTU's national executive today passed a resolution calling for a public registry of labour hire companies and a "rigorous" national licensing regime.

FWO pursuing individual crew members over tanker strike

The Fair Work Ombudsman is seeking individual penalties against seven seafarers who took unlawful industrial action last year when they refused for 10 days to weigh anchor for their last journey before being made redundant.

FWC to hear urgent MUA bid to overturn Alexander Spirit order

An FWC full bench will tomorrow hear an MUA challenge to the s418 order issued this week to halt an oil tanker crew’s protests against shipping company Teekay Shipping (Australia) replacing them with foreign workers.