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Organiser's conspiracy theory a "bit rich" says FWC

Former CFMEU official Ben Loakes' claims the union conspired to have him sacked have been rejected by the FWC after it found the official's evidence did not stand up to "any scrutiny".

AFP charge CFMEU official with blackmail

The AFP have charged a CFMEU official with blackmail, as the police task forces attached to the Heydon Royal Commission broaden their role beyond investigating evidence tendered to the inquiry.

Labor backs employer disclosure regime

The ALP’s national conference has endorsed a "truth in bargaining" policy that would give the Fair Work Commission the power to determine whether to keep employer information confidential.

AWU took adverse action against oil company: Court

The AWU faces a substantial damages bill after the Federal Court ruled today that the union took adverse action against Esso Australia when its members undertook unprotected industrial action in March, including using the action to coerce Esso into changing its bargaining position.

Boral wins access to CFMEU documents as damages case looms

Victoria's Supreme Court has compelled the CFMEU to give Boral access to documents, including transcripts of interviews by competition watchdog the ACCC, to assist with its multimillion dollar damages claim for the union's bans on its concrete supplies, which will be heard next month.

Appeal court rules on annual leave payouts

A full Federal Court has confirmed that annual leave owed to workers on termination of employment must be paid out at the same rate they would have received had they taken it while still working.

FWBC seeks to revoke leader's permit for conduct of his officials

The FWBC has challenged on "general integrity" grounds the granting of an unconditional entry permit to the CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar, telling an FWC full bench he is vicariously liable for conduct by his officials that has attracted close to $1m in penalties.

FWC might make wider inquiry for entry fitness test

A senior FWC member has considered whether the tribunal should take into account a union's "poor history of compliance" and its "large number of contraventions" when it determines whether an official is a "fit and proper person" to hold an entry permit.

Bench makes crucial ruling on child-related employment

An FWC full bench has ruled that a Catholic school religious education coordinator charged with criminal offences wasn't dismissed, because child protection legislation rendered "impermissible" his continued employment.