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ACCC examining "cartel conduct" in ACT

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has revealed it is investigating "serious allegations" of cartel conduct in the ACT that have been aired in the Heydon Royal Commission, while police have charged a royal commission witness with perjury.

Employer seeking special leave to challenge "unauthorised" agreements

Agreements covering nurses at three Melbourne private hospitals allegedly made without employer consent are about to come back under the microscope, with the Kaizen Group next week seeking special leave to challenge in the High Court a finding that the FWC was entitled to approve them.

Review supporting material for agreement applications, says bench

An FWC full bench has highlighted the importance of scrutinising the "totality of material" lodged to support the approval of agreements, after it quashed a deal that was passed despite "inconsistent" declarations from a HR manager about compliance with mandatory pre-approval steps.

Minister resigns after bullying inquiry findings

Victorian Small Business Minister Adem Somyurek has resigned after an inquiry into bullying allegations against him found that he had made inappropriate physical contact with his chief of staff and been verbally aggressive to her and another staffer.

Organiser's conspiracy theory a "bit rich" says FWC

Former CFMEU official Ben Loakes' claims the union conspired to have him sacked have been rejected by the FWC after it found the official's evidence did not stand up to "any scrutiny".

AFP charge CFMEU official with blackmail

The AFP have charged a CFMEU official with blackmail, as the police task forces attached to the Heydon Royal Commission broaden their role beyond investigating evidence tendered to the inquiry.

Labor backs employer disclosure regime

The ALP’s national conference has endorsed a "truth in bargaining" policy that would give the Fair Work Commission the power to determine whether to keep employer information confidential.