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Not mandatory to sack teachers charged with child assault: Bench

The NSW Catholic Education Office is considering an appeal against an FWC full bench ruling that child protection legislation does not oblige employers to dismiss teachers charged with indecent assault against minors but only stops them from performing "child-related work".

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.

RSRT forges ahead with Easter hearings

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal is set to go ahead with hearings over the Easter weekend on whether to delay its contractor driver minimum rates order, despite opposition from the Federal Government.

FSU leader's case against union returns to FWC

Proceedings brought by FSU national secretary Fiona Jordan against her union have returned to the Fair Work Commission, as an internal power struggle continues.

Overtime not payable for reasonable additional hours: Court

A court has ruled that three lawyers at an IR advisory company are not entitled to overtime for working two extra hours a week, because it constituted reasonable additional hours under the Fair Work Act.