Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 6 of 26

257 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Union to test key BHP OS precept

BHP's internal labour hire operation is facing a union challenge to a key element of its model, which holds that its workers are not attached to particular mine sites or regions and can have their jobs relocated anywhere on the east coast.

Court full bench repels third-party suppression bid

A full Federal Court has knocked back a Transport for NSW bid to prevent disclosure of tender documents and other evidence in the RTBU's challenge to an FWC finding that a privatised Sydney bus service is a genuine new enterprise that can be covered by a greenfields agreement.

Call for federally-funded employers to hire direct

A Labor/Greens-majority secure work Senate inquiry is calling on the Morrison Government to require federally-funded entities, including universities, aged care and disability services, to give preference to direct, permanent jobs.

Court grounds Qantas bid to halt reinstatements

The Federal Court has today refused to grant a Qantas bid to stay a hearing that could lead to the reinstatement of some or all of almost 1700 ground crew whose jobs the airline outsourced earlier this year.

Qantas seeks to delay ruling on outsourced jobs

The Federal Court is expected to rule this morning on a Qantas application to stay its decision on a remedy - including the possibility of reinstatement - for almost 1700 ground crew whose jobs the airline outsourced earlier this year.

Pandemic savings drove outsourcing move: Qantas

Qantas, in its challenge to a crucial recent Federal Court adverse action ruling, says its sole motivation for outsourcing the jobs of about 1700 ground crew was its lawful commercial reason of saving $100 million a year during a global pandemic.

NDIA not guilty of unlawful adverse action: Court

A court has held that a senior National Disability Insurance Agency HR and safety executive who accepted a "very significant financial inducement" to retire early had not been subjected to unlawful adverse action due to his alleged protected disclosures and employment disputes, finding him the "unfortunate victim of a restructure".

COVID-19 ejection for 9400 workers, Qantas reveals

Qantas has today reported a massive coronavirus-driven net loss of about $1.7 billion for the 2020-21 financial year and has revealed it has now cut 9400 jobs - some 900 more than expected.