Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 4 of 26

257 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Workplace rights protections limited, Qantas tells High Court

The bid by Qantas to overturn a Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action against its former ground crew employees argues that some of the Fair Work Act's protected workplace rights are "time bound".

Unions call for urgent Labor action on agreement terminations

The ACTU has thrown its support behind workers employed by a Melbourne carpet maker that is seeking to terminate its enterprise agreement, saying it needs urgent attention, while a local Labor MP says IR Minister Tony Burke is "looking very seriously" at the broader issue.

Beware of "Uberisation" of care sector: Report

In a report warning of the "Uber-isation" of care, think tank Per Capita and a company using employees to provide disability services via an online platform are calling for a review of the implications of digital contracting in the sector.

Workers would cop lower pay rises for flexibility: Report

Many workers would forgo a pay rise of up to 10% to secure more say in where and when they work, according to a study that says the Fair Work Act is failing to keep up with flexible practices, while other research says WFH employees save an average of $10,000 a year.

Qantas asking High Court to overturn outsource ruling

The TWU is decrying the Flying Kangaroo's decision to seek special leave from the High Court to challenge the full Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action when it contracted-out its ground handling functions to prevent workers from exercising their workplace rights to bargain and engage in industrial action, while rival Virgin Australia has told its workforce that it will end its wage freeze.

Rule out inferior award in aged care home: Union

The HSU is seeking in a Federal Court action to establish that outsourced kitchen and food services work performed in aged care facilities is covered by the industry's award rather than the lower-paying hospitality award.

Qantas flags High Court appeal in outsourcing case

The TWU has vowed to fight for a substantial compensation package for almost 2000 former ground handlers and Qantas says it will appeal after a full court upheld a finding it took adverse action by outsourcing their roles, but refused to order reinstatement.

Newsflash: Qantas loses outsourcing appeal

Qantas has failed to overturn a Federal Court adverse action finding over its shunning of a TWU in-house bid when the airline decided to outsource the work of 2000 ground-handlers.

$100,000 payout for post-complaint sacking

A manager dismissed in an "elaborate and sophisticated scheme" after he made a complaint has won almost $100,000 in damages and penalties for his "non-paragon" employer's unlawful adverse action.