Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 26 of 26

257 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Abetz complains to ASIC over employer's "contrivance"

The Department of Employment has referred to the corporate watchdog allegations that a textile company entered into “contrived arrangements” to avoid paying redundancy entitlements to 60 workers.

FWC refuses to halt Patrick retrenchments

The Fair Work Commission will allow Patrick Stevedores to proceed with job cuts at the Port of Melbourne, after rejecting an MUA bid for an interim restraining order because the balance of convenience lay with the employer.

Government warns public servants to expect low pay rises

The Coalition has warned public servants there will be "minimal capacity for wage increases" in bargaining to replace 114 enterprise agreements covering 165,000 employees that are due to expire on June 30.

Qantas unions fly to Canberra to oppose Sale Act

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver will lead a union delegation to Canberra tomorrow to step up political lobbying over the Abbott government's legislation to change the Qantas Sale Act.

Legislative change won't halt Qantas workforce reduction: Joyce

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce says the airline management will push ahead with
cutting 5,000 jobs even if the Federal Parliament supports legislation to lift foreign ownership restrictions on the national carrier.