Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction page 16 of 26

257 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Restructuring/outsourcing/workforce reduction

Rio Tinto selling mines that featured in epic IR battles

Rio Tinto has agreed to sell its NSW coal interests – including the Coal & Allied operations that were at the centre of the late 1990s battle of the IR "titans" – to Chinese interests for $3.2 billion ($US2.45 billion).

CFMEU to seek to overturn termination of AGL power agreement

The CFMEU expects to lodge an appeal early next week against yesterday's FWC decision to terminate the agreement for AGL Loy Yang's power station and coal mine because of the "intractable" bargaining dispute between the parties.

Commission ends dads' flexible arrangement for school pick-ups

A tribunal has ordered two male employees to resume standard business hours from next month after it upheld an employer's decision to boost operational efficiency by ending a long-standing flexible work arrangement that allowed them to leave early enough to pick up their children from school.

ACTU calls for law reform after CUB victory

The long-running dispute at Carlton & United Breweries has ended with the reinstatement of maintenance workers on their former pay and conditions.

Social media resister not ripe for redeployment: Tribunal

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a "competent and conscientious" communications advisor with an extensive media background, accepting he could not be redeployed because his resistance to social media made him unsuited to the new role's demands.