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30 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > Performance management/assessment

Outlaw AI hiring, firing: Unions

Unions are seeking a "total ban" on using AI to hire, fire, discipline or promote workers, along with an "AI tax", in submissions to a Senate inquiry accusing employers of introducing the technology without consultation and deploying it to police productivity.

Criticising bosses on chat group a sackable offence: FWC

A supervisor's criticism of management in a social media group chat that "incit[ed] a negative and combative environment among the team", along with performance issues, provided a valid basis for dismissing her, the FWC has found.

$100,000 payout for post-complaint sacking

A manager dismissed in an "elaborate and sophisticated scheme" after he made a complaint has won almost $100,000 in damages and penalties for his "non-paragon" employer's unlawful adverse action.

Tribunal backs sacking for excessive personal texting at work

The FWC has upheld the flawed sacking of a health and safety manager after phone records revealed she sent an "extraordinary and unacceptable" amount of text messages at work while overseeing her growing side business.

KPMG, PwC show way on accountability

In what represents a significant development in corporate transparency, major accounting firms KPMG and PwC are disclosing bad workplace behaviours in reports taking inspiration from the World Economic Forum's "stakeholder capitalism" principles.

APS wages policy means "mystery" increases: CPSU

The CPSU has stepped up its criticism of the Morrison Government's public sector wages policy, saying it demands that workers sign up to "unknown" pay rises beyond the first year of new enterprise deals.

"Sound reasons" for imposing PIP on worker: FWC

The FWC has thrown out a general protections application brought by a Roy Hill warehouse worker who claimed the mining giant used unreasonable performance plans to break him and force his resignation after he declined a settlement offer.

Backpayments for early-starting working mother

A tribunal has ordered the ACT Government to re-credit more than 200 hours of personal leave to a worker who accused it of discriminating against her on the basis of her parenting responsibilities by refusing to let her start work before 7.30am.