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News Corp rejects "any wrongdoing" by top editor

News Corp has rejected "any suggestion of wrongdoing" by former executive and Sydney Daily Telegraph ex-editor Col Allan, after the New York Post's former managing editor accused him of sex-based harassment and pursued him for an unspecified amount of compensation and punitive damages in the United States.

Workplaces losing menopausal workers in their prime: Inquiry

Three in five women encounter difficulties at work due to menopause and many are leaving at what might be the "peak of their experience", according to a UK inquiry that is hearing how to provide better support.

UK Labour promises NZ-style sectoral safety net

The UK Labour Party has opened its annual conference by pledging to follow the New Zealand example of introducing "Fair Pay Agreements", as part of a "New Deal" for Britain's 31 million workers.

UK Labour's single "worker" category to capture gig economy

The UK Labour party has promised to replace the country's three existing employment classifications with a single category of "worker" for all but the "genuinely self-employed" if it takes power at the 2024 election.

Vines put forward to lead ILO; & more

Morrison Government nominates Vines to lead ILO; FWO to keep targeting big end of town's underpayments; Sustained border closure could drive up wages, says RBA.

BHP's gender balance target discriminatory: Male executive

A former US-based BHP Billiton executive is seeking compensation and damages because it failed to appoint him to four job openings, alleging the positions went to women "clearly less qualified than him."

Biden seeks to foster worker organising, empowerment

US President Joe Biden has signed executive orders to establish a White House taskforce to promote "worker organising and empowerment" and to lift the minimum wage to $US15 an hour ($A19.23) for Federal Government employees and contractors.

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.

UK Uber ruling challenges gig economy model: Unions

Unions say Uber's failure to convince the UK's Supreme Court that its drivers are independent contractors or that their working time only includes periods carrying passengers is set to be "very persuasive" in the Australian context.

Global union body says Bill undermines ILO casual protections

International Trade Union Confederation secretary and former ACTU president Sharan Burrow has told a parliamentary inquiry that the Omnibus IR Bill's casual employment provisions are likely to breach Australia's obligations under ILO conventions and recommendations, ahead of a hearing in Canberra on Friday.