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85 articles are classified in All Articles > Other > International

UK employer failed to make reasonable changes for migraine sufferer

A UK employment tribunal has found that an employer unfairly dismissed a nurse for using too much sick leave and discriminated against her by failing to make reasonable adjustments to accomodate her disabilities, which included migraine headaches.

"Bald" slur was s-xual harassment: UK tribunal

A long-serving employee called a "bald c--t" during an argument with a shift supervisor suffered harassment based on his s-x, a UK tribunal has ruled.

It's time for 4% wage target to remedy pay crisis: Paper

As wage stagnation and cost-of-living issues continue to feature in the federal election campaign, a new report shows Australia has experienced the greatest deceleration in real pay growth in the OECD since 2013, despite its relatively strong employment growth and low unemployment, suggesting that policy and institutional factors are the main culprit, rather than market forces.

Australia endorses ILO anti-slavery provision

The Federal Government has ratified the newest ILO protocol to address forced labour, building on its law to counter modern slavery in supply chains.

Amazon's might fails to dash nascent union's representation bid

The global labour movement has hailed the first successful ballot to be represented by a union at Amazon's US operations, in a David and Goliath struggle over a warehouse in New York City which is expected to energise organising in the US and around the world.

NZ government moves on industry-wide bargaining

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government has introduced legislation to enable occupational and industry-wide bargaining where unions can demonstrate worker support, or it passes a public interest test.

Biden union organising report might assist Labor

A leading IR academic says a new White House report on union organising and empowerment could be a source of ideas for Labor if it takes power at the likely May election.

Questions over Uber-union deal in Canada

IR and labour law experts have queried the lawfulness of an agreement between Uber Canada and a big private sector union, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Canada.