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Unlawful Ichthys "park and ride" protest attracts $94,000 penalty

The CFMEU, CEPU and three individual organisers have been fined a combined total of almost $95,000 for encouraging workers at the Ichthys LNG project to stop work and disrupt a "critical" concrete pour in protest at the project's allegedly inadequate "park and ride" facilities.

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; & more

FWC accepts six-minutes-late dismissal claim; Creative crane driver fails to win job back; FWC member showed no real or apparent bias, says bench; and Tribunal douses smoker's bid to win job back.

RSRT considering delay for owner-driver RSRO

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal will consider delaying the operative date of its contractor driver minimum rates order until February 1 next year.

TWU seeks new delay for RSRO

The TWU has asked the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal to defer its minimum rates order, in a bid to head-off or delay abolition of the Tribunal by the Turnbull Government.

Full Federal Court to hear RSRO appeal tomorrow

A Federal Court full bench will tomorrow morning hear a challenge by industry groups to the now-stayed RSRT decision to proceed with the contractor driver minimum payments road safety remuneration order.

Positive drug test justifies sacking; and more

Positive drug test justifies sacking; THC-positive worker to get his day in tribunal; Bench upholds BHP Coal's sacking of worker for safety breach; Genuine redundancy after Amex outsources work to India; and Threats no way to negotiate with employer.

Worker couldn't fulfil job's inherent requirements: Bench

An FWC full bench has found a presidential member got her facts wrong when she found an employee recovering from a skydiving accident was capable of performing the inherent requirements of his position.