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ABCC loses case despite arresting its own witnesses

Despite ultimately having to arrest a key witness to give evidence on its behalf, the ABCC has failed to convince the Federal Court the CFMEU acted unlawfully by denying two members of a caulking company access to a building site in Melbourne.

$300,000 in damages for s-xual assault at work

A tribunal has ordered a hotel and its night caretaker to pay more than $300,000 in damages for the s-xual assault of a female employee after he appeared naked in her bedroom and made unsolicited advances.

FWC upholds DP World's sacking of bullying "big fish"

The FWC has upheld DP World's sacking of a stevedore and self-proclaimed "big fish" in the MUA for bullying two colleagues who stepped outside a worker-maintained "system of control and internal discipline" by taking a complaint to HR.

Flight attendant accused of harassment to pay costs

The FWC has ruled that a cabin crew supervisor, who failed to convince the tribunal last year that his sacking for alleged sexual harassment was unfair, must now pay costs for continuing to pursue his claim after he rejected a $20,000 settlement offer.

Rebuff for ABCC bid to hold union leader responsible

The ABCC has failed in an attempt to convince a full Federal Court to deny CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar an entry permit because of his responsibility for the union's "culture of wilful disobedience".

FWC recommends employer adopt workplace culture improvement plan

The FWC has made broad recommendations for "corrective action" at the Civil Aviation Safety Authority after it dismissed an employee's bid for an anti-bullying order but observed that interpersonal dysfunction within his team could have the "severest consequences".

Inquiry chair refers employer's "threat" to Victoria Police

The chair of Victoria's labour hire inquiry has asked police to consider investigating one of the state's leading poultry producers for advising an employee that his job was in jeopardy if he continued to make "unsubstantiated" allegations about the company.