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Bonus smokes supervisor's dismissal claim

A marijuana-smoking supervisor who allegedly resigned after declining a drug test has had his unfair dismissal claim thrown out because a "project uplift" allowance of at least 25% counted as earnings that pushed him beyond the high-income threshold.

Panel confirms suggestive poster discriminatory

In a decision upholding a finding that Sydney Water and a consultancy discriminated against a worker by displaying her photo on a poster titled "Feel great - lubricate!", a tribunal has confirmed even inadvertent double entendres can constitute s-xual harassment.

S-xually-harassed manager wins aggravated damages payment

A third-party courier driver who s-xually harassed a Sanity manager when he slapped her on the bottom, repeatedly called her the "lewd" name "Juicy Lucy" and asked many times about her relationship status has been ordered to pay aggravated damages, largely for retaliating by serving her with a defamation letter in response to her internal complaint.

Victoria trialling workplace COVID-19 saliva tests

Victoria's Andrews Government is working with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity on trials of workplace surveillance testing for COVID-19 that rely on saliva samples rather than the more intrusive nasal swabs.

Court orders $5 million-plus adverse action payout

In a significant general protections ruling, the Federal Court has today ordered an ASX-listed enterprise software company to pay more than $5.2 million in compensation, damages and penalties to a senior employee sacked after he made bullying complaints.

FWC backs BHP's expulsion of defecating worker

The FWC has upheld BHP's sacking of a mineworker who twice defecated in an active drill hole, despite finding it unavoidable on one occasion due to his urgent and explosive diarrhoea.

FWC rebuffs bid to block entry on COVID-19 grounds

The FWC has refused a Victorian food manufacturer's bid to block the UWU's entry to reduce COVID-19 risks and because it suspected the union of waging an industrial campaign by issuing multiple notices about alleged coronavirus safety breaches.

Coronavirus risks justify entry curbs, FWC rules

The CFMMEU's MUA division has failed to convince a senior FWC member that it is unreasonable to refuse entry to an offshore vessel to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and to instead require it to use a landside meeting room.

NZ Labour puts industry-wide bargaining on election runway

The New Zealand Labour Party has put industry-wide bargaining on the table ahead of next month's national election after pledging to legislate Fair Pay Agreements endorsed by former conservative Prime Minister Jim Bolger.