Parliaments page 29 of 33

330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

Purge bargaining to boost APS productivity: Podger

Former Public Service Commissioner Andrew Podger has told a Senate inquiry that getting rid of bargaining altogether in the federal public sector would improve productivity.

Crossbench disarray threatens IR bills

The Turnbull Government’s plan to push its IR bills through the Senate have been thrown into doubt by legal questions over the eligibility of two crossbench senators.

CFMEU challenging ban on paying officials' fines; Senator Day here to stay

The CFMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch is appealing a Federal Court decision that barred the union from paying an $18,000 penalty against an organiser after the judge concluded the union received part of its income from government grants.

Coalition should have conducted more active IR campaign: Abetz

The Coalition should have sought a "more extensive mandate" on IR and run a more active campaign on the subject during the last election, rather than supplementing the ABCC and ROC bills with a "last minute minor change on CFA volunteers", according to Abbott Government Employment Minister Eric Abetz.

New and improved program recoups more than $50m in FEG payments

The Department of Employment has clawed back $54 million from failed businesses in the first 12 months of its enhanced program to recover funds outlaid under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee, more than doubling the previous year's figure.

Inquiry to consider "just transition" for displaced power workers

The Greens and Labor have today combined to initiate an upper house inquiry into a "just transition" for workers displaced when coal-fired power stations close down to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while the Senate is also set to examine federal public sector bargaining and "corporate avoidance of industrial obligations".

Coalition to legislate stronger FWO powers next year

The Turnbull Government will introduce legislation early next year to give the Fair Work Ombudsman new examination powers and expressly prohibit employers from providing false and misleading information.