Parliaments page 21 of 33

330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

My sacking not lawful: Guthrie

Former ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has told a Senate inquiry that she had "no option" but to lodge an adverse action case with the FWC after the broadcaster's board failed to respond to her claims of editorial interference by the chair before sacking her.

Unionists populate new Victorian Parliament as IR Minister bows out

Labor's emphatic win in the Victorian election will deliver numerous unionists to the State Parliament, while there has been a major change of IR cast as Minister Natalie Hutchins today announced she would step down and shadow Minister Robert Clark lost his formerly safe Liberal seat.

Jobs Department's chief counsel met with Workpac post-Skene

The Jobs Department has told a Senate Estimates hearing that it met with labour hire company Workpac following the full Federal Court's crucial casual leave decision in Skene, but that it hasn't drafted a Bill to address the ruling.

Bill seeks to curb rorting of FEG scheme

The Morrison Government has introduced legislation to crack down on "sharp corporate practices" such as phoenix companies and asset-shifting by employers that are seeking to avoid paying employee entitlements.

Casual leave fears to lead Canberra IR agenda

IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer will investigate employer concerns that a Federal Court decision opens the way for casual employees to make back-pay claims for billions of dollars of annual leave.

Lobbying intensifies over "integrity" Bill aimed at unions

Employers and unions have stepped up their lobbying of key Senate crossbenchers as the Morrison Government seeks to revive support for legislation that would make it easier to deregister unions for regularly breaching workplace and civil laws.