Parliaments page 3 of 33

330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

ILO working age, harassment conventions ratified

The Albanese Government has ratified ILO conventions setting a minimum working age and seeking to prevent workplace harassment and violence, with Skills and Training Minister Brendan O'Connor telling this year's international labour conference that tripartism "has never been so important".

Migrant worker protections a potential "game changer"

Employers who pressure migrant workers into breaching their temporary visa conditions face criminal charges and increased fines under changes soon to be introduced by the Albanese Government.

Two-year pay freeze for NSW politicians, bureaucrats

A two-year pay freeze is set to be imposed on NSW politicians earning more than a base salary and the State's high-earning bureaucrats as the Minns Labor Government vows to redirect the savings to "essential service" workers such as teachers and nurses.

"Re-embrace" welfare, social security: Doyle

Former ACTU manager Mary Doyle has used her first parliamentary speech to urge Australians to "re-embrace" concepts of welfare and social security, drawing on her experiences of having an alcoholic father on an invalid pension and requiring support as she recovered from cancer surgery to aver that "these are not dirty words".

Jettison "employee-like" or limit it to gig work: MBA

The MBA is urging the Albanese Government to drop its plan to empower the FWC to deal with "employee-like" work, but says that if it is determined to go ahead, then the new jurisdiction should be confined to digital platform workers.

"Atmosphere changing" towards neoliberal forces: Kaine

New NSW Labor upper house member and former IR academic Sarah Kaine has used her inaugural parliamentary speech to decry the "cult of individualism" that has led to the loss of labour market safety nets, while hailing the recent political shift towards restoring workplace "dignity".

Pay boost, productivity incentive for Victorian public servants

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government will provide funding to increase annual public sector wage rises from 1.5% to 3%, while allowing departments and agencies to "generate additional entitlements" through productivity gains.

Union stalwart has historic win in federal by-election

Former long-serving union organiser and ACTU manager Mary Doyle has achieved a historic victory in yesterday's by-election for the federal seat of Aston on Melbourne's eastern fringe.

Government to legislate coal mining LSL changes

The Albanese Government claims it will ensure fairer calculation of long service leave for casual coal mineworkers, as part of a Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill to be introduced to Parliament this week.