Parliaments page 15 of 33

330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

Unions not biting government's $1000 carrot to freeze pay

Unions are still in the dark about which NSW public servants would qualify for a $1000 frontline worker 'bonus' in lieu of a pay rise, while a health union has asked the State Treasurer to ditch a 2.5% wages cap before it puts the offer to members.

Morrison pitches Accord 2.0 as Integrity Bill shelved

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter will chair five working groups with the aim of producing a "practical reform" of the IR system to help grow jobs as the economy emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Abbreviated notice regime to have post-virus hangover: Labor

The Morrison Government is wrong in maintaining that its shorter notice periods for agreement variations will only have effect during the coronavirus crisis, because the resulting changes to agreements will continue for the deals' full terms, according to the shadow IR minister.

Notice period for deal changes cut to one day

The Morrison Government has cut the notice period that employers are required to give employees of proposed changes to enterprise agreements from seven days to a minimum one day.

Public servant pay rises put on hold

The Morrison Government will defer pay rises for Commonwealth public servants for six months as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attention turns to rules, as JobKeeper's passage approaches

The Morrison Government's legislation for the $1500 JobKeeper payments, to about six million workers, which has now passed the lower house, is based on Federal Treasurer John Frydenberg setting rules to govern how the payments are made and administered.