Parliaments page 13 of 33

330 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Parliaments

Watch out for workplace surveillance, data collection: Unions

The Berejiklian Government needs to pressure its federal counterpart over gig economy minimum wages and conditions and regulate the use of workplace surveillance and data, according to a Unions NSW submission to a parliamentary inquiry into the future of work.

Government makes regulations, rules for JobKeeper 2.0

The Federal Government has today made regulations that IR Minister Christian Porter says will clarify the operation of the temporary IR flexibilities available to employers under the legislation extending Jobkeeper for six months beyond September 28.

Unamended JobKeeper 2.0 set for passage through Senate

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy is set to be passed by the Senate after Labor and the Greens failed to win support for amendments late last night.

Labor still urging changes to JobKeeper 2.0

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy was introduced into the Senate today, where it is expected to be debated and possibly go to a final vote on Monday.

JobKeeper legislation reveals new onus on employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme will require employers to consider whether reductions in working hours have an unfair impact on some employees compared to others subject to the same directions.

Labor swings behind JobKeeper 2.0

The Federal Labor caucus yesterday agreed to pass the Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy from late September to March 2021, even if its amendments are not accepted.

JobKeeper 2.0 to rein in flexibility for robust employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scales back on the Coalition push to give employers workplace flexibility even if they no longer receive the wage subsidy.