Courts page 91 of 94

933 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Trainee wins adverse action appeal on one count, but loses on others

The Federal Court has cast doubt on whether there is a basis for ordering a company to pay penalties or compensation for adverse action against a worker, because it never acted on a recommendation to dismiss him for making a harassment claim that allegedly had shaky foundations.

New Federal Circuit Court appointments; & more

IR barristers appointed to Federal Circuit Court; FWC member retires after almost 15 years; Wage rises lower in industries hit by resources downturn, says RBA; New FAAA leadership seeking to secure role in new Qantas aircraft; Agreement delivers wage justice for nurses, says Victorian Government; and Supermarket self-service hindering employment growth, says report.

No "recall to duty", but manager entitled to overtime: Court

The Federal Court has knocked back a rostering manager's claim for "recall to duty" entitlements for out-of-hours calls about employee availability and shift arrangements, finding them a "core" aspect of her employment obligations.

$300,000 payout after misleading inducements to take job

A senior insurance executive lost more than $300,000 when she took up a general manager's position with a competitor at a lower base salary on the basis of a misleading and deceptive inducement that a profit-share arrangement would boost her future earnings, the Federal Court has found.

"Croc-hunter" escapes penalty net

Two CFMEU officials, including one posing as croc-hunter Steve Irwin during a construction site visit, are no longer personally liable for $47,000 in fines, after a full Federal Court found the FWBC "pursued" them "under an inappropriate statutory regime".

Court halts SBS executive's defection to Aunty

A high-powered consultant with public broadcaster SBS has been temporarily stopped from taking up a role with the ABC and sharing confidential information with the rival network, after the NSW Supreme Court issued an interlocutory injunction.

Drunk GM's $300,000 damages payout slashed

The general manager of a leading insurance brokerage sacked for his drunken conduct has had his $300,000 wrongful termination damages payout discounted by 70%, after the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal upheld the employer's appeal.

Bank managers "got what they bargained for": Court

A full Federal Court has rebuffed a group of St George Bank managers who claimed the employer engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when it retrenched them after promising they would receive retention bonuses if they stayed in their jobs during a merger with Westpac.

Casuals ineligible to vote on agreement: FWC

The FWC has stymied a bid by an employer on a major resources project to win approval for its enterprise agreement, ruling its 36 casual workers were not eligible to vote because they weren't "employed at the time" when they voted.