Courts page 9 of 94

936 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Court puts squeeze on juice bar for JobKeeper rort

A court has ordered a juice bar that pocketed a worker's JobKeeper payments to cough up nearly $30,000 and its director $5000 for ignoring a FWO compliance notice, signalling to the restaurant and cafe sector that its lawbreaking record has created a need for "very substantial general deterrence".

"Disturbing lack of candour" in pilot's anti-vax case: Judge

A Federal Court judge has noted a pilot's "disturbing lack of candour" in whittling back the challenge of eight former Virgin and Jetstar employees to their dismissals for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Court tosses out "warring" brothers' adverse action case

A judge has rejected a business owner's claim of unlawful sacking because he repeatedly accused his co-owner brother of bullying and conflicts of interest, finding their "poisonous" relationship unrelated to his dismissal for ignoring a direction to stay away from the office while under investigation for allegedly harassing employees.

Costs against manager accused of earning "secret profits"

The former contracts manager of an ASX-listed mining company has been ordered to pay half his former employer's costs in defending an appeal against a judge's decision to strike out most of a general protections claim filed as the company pursues him for allegedly earning "secret profits".

Academic's 'cancel culture' win on hold

A Sydney University lecturer sacked for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag has nominally won his job back, pending the result of the institution's appeal against a finding that his 2019 dismissal breached its agreement's intellectual freedom clause.

Long-haul flights squeezed as Qantas, pilots square off

The Federal Court will weigh into a stoush between Qantas and the AIPA over whether the union is unreasonably withholding permission to allocate newly-recruited pilots to its A380 super-jumbos, with the FWC staying a similar dispute over the airline's ability to appoint them if it already has enough bids from its current cohort of more senior flight crew.

Damages payout boosted for previously "vibrant" accountant

A court has upped from $20,000 to $90,000 the general damages payout for a veteran chief accountant subjected to age discrimination and is considering billing his former employer a further $142,000 for economic loss, after hearing he is "no longer the same man" and is unable to work.