Courts page 76 of 94

932 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Former Toll employee, far-right activist defies court orders

A court will next month decide whether to punish a former Toll employee after finding that he breached orders restraining him from publishing far-right nationalist videos in which he wears company-branded clothing.

Truck driver needed more "physicality" to earn allowance: Court

In a ruling as to what constitutes "physical effort", a court has found that opening or removing curtains and straps securing a truck's load did not qualify a driver for an extra allowance under a transport industry award.

Roulette supervisor loses dismissal appeal, but wins on costs

A roulette supervisor has failed to challenge the rejection of her claim that a casino's failure to offer overtime amounted to constructive dismissal, but a full Federal Court has quashed a $30,000 costs order against her after finding it was not unreasonable to ignore a $7000 settlement offer.

"Casual" employee entitled to annual leave: Court

In a decision sure to be closely analysed by employers, a court has ruled that a worker is entitled to accrued annual leave despite being paid a casual loading for 15 years.

Union pursued over "coercive" campaign material

The Federal Court will consider whether a series of NTEU social media posts, campaign materials and protests constitute "coercive acts" that are disproportionate to any legitimate interests the union might have had in wanting to stop Murdoch University from terminating its 2014 agreement.