Courts page 50 of 94

933 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Payroll officers slugged in FWO's biggest penalty case

Three payroll officers who "reverse-engineered" false records during an FWO investigation have been fined a total of $121,000 as part of the largest penalty order won by the workplace watchdog.

Qantas seeks clamp on FWC arbitrating engineer dispute

Qantas and Jetstar are seeking a Federal Court injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute over the stand-down of hundreds of licenced aircraft maintenance engineers, plus declarations that it was outside their control.

Government approves "shameless" class action inquiry

The Morrison Government has won support for a parliamentary inquiry into class actions, despite the Labor Opposition accusing it of dodging recommendations from a 17-month-old report by the Australian Law Reform Commission.

Quick hearing likely for challenge to regulation

A full Federal Court is likely before the end of the month to hear the CFMMEU's challenge to the Morrison Government's regulation that reduces from seven days to one day the required notice of changes to agreements during the coronavirus crisis.

Multinational faces fine for unpaid allowance

A multinational's trouble-plagued deal for a major LNG project has again come back to bite it, with the Federal Court finding its arguments about unpaid allowances created "confusion" rather than clarity.

Left-handed worker's sacking not quite right: Court

A major gas supplier has been ordered to reinstate a left-handed worker whose primary duties involved lifting five-kilogram cylinders, after basing his dismissal on an assessment that right shoulder and neck pain meant he could lift no more than 20kgs.