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Uber Eats' new contracts a sign entering "dangerous territory": Stewart

Uber Eats says a new delivery partner contract is part of a dramatic restructure under which it is simplifying by selling its services directly to "eaters", but a leading IR academic says it has been forced into a tactical retreat after recent court proceedings went "terribly".

Law firm rejects claim paralegal exploited over pandemic pay cut

A paralegal is accusing a law firm of taking unfair advantage and making false representations to get her to accept a 20% pay cut, before failing to deliver on a commitment to make up the shortfall when it received JobKeeper.

"Gay" colleague disputed touching was inappropriate: Claim

Financial services company IOOF is facing simultaneous adverse action claims, one from a former senior manager who alleges it sacked her because she was suffering from workplace stress and another from a manager claiming sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

Court backs PepsiCo's pursuit of embezzler

A PepsiCo subsidiary has won a $4.5 million order against a former finance manager who siphoned the money off to personal accounts before falsely claiming his wife had committed suicide and absconding overseas.

Fond farewell email sparked sacking, claims manager

A long serving manager who group-replied to a colleague's departure announcement expressing surprise at his leaving claims it led to his own sacking after being accused by his supervisor of lacking professionalism.

Account director did not foresee Oracle sacking

A former ANZ account director at Oracle Australia who claims he was told he had zero emotional intelligence before being sacked without warning is suing it in an adverse action claim seeking more than $780,000 plus commissions and penalties.

Bench rejects "global" approach to multiple breaches

In a significant ruling clarifying how penalties for multiple contraventions should be assessed, a full Federal Court has in cutting by more than half a $445,000 fine imposed on the CEPU rejected a judge's "global" approach to the historic reporting breaches.

"Complicated" $65m class action settles for $2m

The Federal Court has approved the $2.05 million settlement of a $65 million class action against marketing agency Appco after finding that further attempts to increase the sum would "likely be a case of throwing good money after bad".

Full court dismisses Aldi's attempt to nobble union campaign

Aldi has again failed to rein-in the TWU over its long-running "safe rates" campaign, with a full Federal Court confirming that the union is not constrained by consumer law prohibitions on misleading or deceptive conduct.