Courts page 17 of 94

933 articles are classified in All Articles > Institutions, tribunals, courts > Courts

Workers on $170K not "guaranteed" high income: Court

A major mining company should have paid untaken sick leave to 20 retrenched employees, the Federal Court has ruled, in a judgment closely examining how the Fair Work Act's high-income threshold applies to annualised salaries.

CBA withheld documents: Wage inspectors

The Victorian Government's wage inspectorate has charged two Commonwealth Bank subsidiaries with allegedly failing to pay more than $70,000 in long service leave entitlements to 20 former employees and failing to comply with a notice to produce documents.

"Remedial" training for union officials unnecessary: Court

A court has fined a CFMMEU official almost $9000, but has attached little weight to "remedial" training he undertook after the ABCC charged him with preventing a concrete pour, saying it should not be necessary for someone in his role.

Newsflash: Court rejects CFMMEU demerger case

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has again been frustrated in its bid to win independence from the amalgamated union after a full Federal Court today upheld a FWC finding that its application for a ballot of members failed on a threshold issue.

Flexible arrangements "did not comply" with Act, CBA admits

The CBA is rolling out new contracts for staff on legacy individual flexibility arrangements and admitting ahead of a Federal Court hearing that the IFAs breached the Fair Work Act, but the FSU says it must get the process right for those wanting to revert to the agreement.

No IR protections for sacked public health CEO: Court

A former public health service chief executive who claimed discrimination on the basis of "severe depression" has failed to overturn a tribunal's finding that it lacks the power to hear his bid for reinstatement and compensation.

Economics professor's workplace missteps continue to add up

A former economics professor's troubled relationship with workplace laws has continued, after a court accepted that he "actively" managed an underpaying grocery store previously fined for similar breaches.

Aldi accused of denying parental leave to male manager

A senior Aldi manager challenging the legality of being denied primary carer's leave under the retailer's apparently rebranded parental leave policy is suing the supermarket giant for discrimination, after it allegedly brought his redundancy forward and cut 26 weeks off his payout while he was on leave.

ABCC counsel missed "disgusting" homophobic slur: Judge

A judge has in slugging a CFMMEU organiser with a $12,500 personal fine speculated that counsel for the ABCC may have led a "sheltered" existence in not appreciating that the official had aimed a "quite disgusting" homophobic slur at a project's safety adviser.

Suspended cardiologist seeks court bypass

An eminent cardiologist facing multiple allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards colleagues and patients, including that he said he did not "give a shit" about a patient's pacemaker, is seeking court orders calling off an investigation and revoking his suspension.